29 Jul 2012

It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary : Sauteed garlic mushrooms

Sometimes I am beyond doubt flabbergasted at how effortless it is to throw a few undemanding ingredients and in return, generate something gorgeous and stimulating. A few easy ingredients is all it took today to prepare this extra-ordinary and mouth-watering appetizer.  Oh so rich, so savory and so intense the flavours of this garlic sautéed mushrooms. I was quite delighted how the recipe turned out. So healthy, so vivid so aromatic. I absolutely love how the mushrooms holds the flavours of garlic and the olive oil. The simple  mishmash of mushrooms, garlic, olive oil and the parsley, indeed produced an extra-ordinary result.  Served on a gorgeous baguette, its a just the thing for a lazy, decadent afternoon.

450gms button mushrooms,
5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil,
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped,
juice of one lemon,
salt and pepper to taste,
4 tbsp chopped parsley

Wipe the mushrooms with the kitchen paper, trim the stalks closer to the caps. Heat the oil in heavy based frying pan, add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds, or until lightly browned. 
Add the mushrooms and sauté over high heat, stirring all the time, until the mushrooms have absored all the oil.
Bring the heat down, when the juices of the mushroom begin to come out, bring the heat on high again and sauté for five minutes, stirring all the time, until all the juices have been evaporated. Add the salt and pepper, tip in the lemon juice. Add the parsley and cook for another minute. Transfer the mushrooms to a warmed serving dish and serve piping hot. 

1 comment:

  1. Mushrooms looks so inviting and I love mushrooms!
